Kubernetes Ingress vs Load Balancer

I’ve been using Kubernetes successfully for a while, but I felt like I still didn’t fully understand the difference between an Ingress and a LoadBalancer. Whenever I tried to find an explanation I’d find some vague thing like “they are sort of the same, but not really”.

The problem is I was thinking about these things wrong. One is not a replacement for the other; they exist in different planes of abstraction within k8s. For someone who just wants to deploy a web service, there are three orthogonal concepts you need to understand in k8s.


The first thing you need to do is get your workload on to the cluster. As we’re talking about web apps, the workload we’re talking about is a web server. Somehow you need to run some kind of web server on the cluster. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to deploy a static site or a fully dynamic monolithic web app, the workload is a web server.

In this plane, Kubernetes doesn’t know about web servers. It’s designed to be more general than that. It only knows about running workloads. The way you deliver a webserver as a workload is to package it into a container image. Kubernetes does know how to run a container image.

Building a container image is assumed knowledge here, but generally you would write a Dockerfile with the CMD set to run a webserver and an EXPOSE to set the port the webserver is listening on.

The smallest deployable unit in K8s is actually a Pod, but a typical Pod consists of just one container.

You can deploy your webserver as a Pod and it will run. When it runs the cluster will automatically assign a unique IP address to the Pod that is valid within the cluster. That was easy! But there are a couple of problems.

First note that the workload plane doesn’t understand or care what type of workload you are deploying. We want to deploy a service and running the server is an important part of that, but how can clients access this? The workload plane gives you random cluster-internal IP addresses for your Pods. That’s it. As far as it’s concerned you might be running some batch job and that’s all you need.

Secondly, running a Pod only ensures it runs one time. If it crashes, the node crashes or it’s evicted from a node, it won’t get run again.

To get a workload to keep running you use a ReplicaSet. This is a configuration that ensures a number of Pods are running at all times. If one of the Pods disappears for whatever reason, the ReplicaSet will ensure it gets replaced. You can change the number of replicas in a ReplicaSet at any time (referred to as scaling up or down). But you can’t change the Pod configuration. In particular, you can’t change the image used. The only way to upgrade your service would be to remove the ReplicaSet and add another one, which would take the service down.

So we don’t tend to use ReplicaSets directly. Instead we use a Deployment. A Deployment is similar to a ReplicaSet but it allows you to change the image used by the Pods. Changing the image causes a rollout to take place whereby each Pod is replaced with the new version one by one. At each stage there are always the desired number of replicas up and running.

A key thing to understand is that the Pods themselves are ephemeral. At any time the actual Pods running your workload, and therefore their IP addresses, can change for various reasons. The Deployment only makes sure the right number of Pods are running at any one time. We’ll need some way to access the Pods reliably. That’s addressed in the Services plane.

So to recap, use Deployments to ensure your desired workloads are running on the cluster with the requested configurations etc. For a web app these workloads are webservers packaged up as containers. The workload plane is only concerned with making sure your webservers are running. It isn’t concerned with how you or anyone else access those webservers (because it doesn’t even know or care that they are webservers).


The workload plane makes sure things run but doesn’t provide a stable service (as the underlying Pods will change). The services plane provides a stable service, but doesn’t care how things are run (that is handled by the workload plane).

A Service is a way to expose a number of (inherently unstable) Pods as a stable service. You do that by labelling the Pods in the workload plane and selecting those pods in the Service. The workload plane is free to do what it wants with those Pods (move, upgrade, scale up/down etc.), but as long as the labels stay the same, your service will remain available, it will just be backed by different Pods.

Note that the service plane is not specific to web services at all. These are just TCP or UDP services and could be anything: a database, a message queue or, indeed, a webserver, but no assumptions are made.

There are three1 levels (called “types”) of Service, each building upon the last:

ClusterIP (the default)

This gives your service a stable internal cluster IP address, and a name in the internal DNS server, like my-service.my-namespace. If your service is currently backed by three Pods, accessing the service IP address balances the traffic between those three Pods. No matter what happens to the Pods, the service IP address stays the same, which means other workloads in your cluster can access the service. But you still can’t access it from outside of the cluster.


In addition to the above, this opens a high-numbered port on each node (the same port on each node) through which you can access the service from outside of the cluster. What this means is you could connect to any of the nodes in your cluster on the allocated port (say 30233) and connect to the service.

Using a high-numbered port isn’t expected for a web service, but in this configuration you could have some external load balancer routing web traffic into your cluster through the node ports.

Note that although you can access the service from outside the cluster, most clusters themselves are not on the public internet but rather behind a firewall. So it will only be internet accessible if the load balancer is configured that way.


In addition to the above, this also provisions a load balancer in the configuration described above, usually allowing you to access services on the cluster from outside of your firewall (ie. the internet). This happens automatically on cloud platforms but there are bare metal options like MetalLB and even “fake” options like ServiceLB (used in k3s).

So should you use a LoadBalancer for your web service? You can, but probably not. As mentioned above the service plane is merely concerned with routing network traffic to the right place. There’s nothing HTTP specific here. So if you were to use LoadBalancer you’d be responsible for things like TLS termination and you’d need one LoadBalancer per service which could be expensive (generally you’ll get a publicly routeable IPv4 address per LoadBalancer).

A more common configuration is to use ingresses for web services, which we’ll see next.

To recap, the service layer is concerned with providing a stable address and routing network traffic from that address to the underlying Pods inside the cluster. It is not concerned with how those Pods get provisioned. It is also not concerned with what kind of network service it is (be it a web service or otherwise).


Ingresses are specific to web services. The K8s docs are a little hesitant to say this and I suspect they want to keep the concept more general, but in practice this is going to be used primarily for web services. Ingresses allow you do things like route HTTP traffic to different backends based on the hostname and/or path. If you’ve ever used Apache VirtualHosts or written an Nginx config yourself this should be familiar. It is also similar to things like API Gateway as used with AWS Lambda (in fact, Ingress is in the process of being replaced by the “Gateway API” in K8s).

An Ingress maps rules to services, for example hostname www.example.com and path /api/ can be set to a backend service my-service. By itself the Ingress, like a Deployment, is like a request for a desired state. To achieve anything it requires an Ingress Controller to be installed in the cluster. It is the Ingress Controller that actually does the routing. A typical Ingress Controller is Nginx.

It is this Ingress Controller that will typically be deployed as a Service with type LoadBalancer. A typical configuration will be to have your web services deployed as Deployments, exposed as Services (type ClusterIP) and mapped using Ingresses. The Ingress Controller will be deployed as a Service type LoadBalancer and receive TCP traffic from the external load balancer, perform TLS termination and route it to the desired underling Service, which will then route it to the correct Pods.


Hopefully this clears up the difference between Ingress and LoadBalancer. As you can see, they are quite different because they essentially live in separate planes of abstraction. An Ingress is HTTP specific and is concerned with routing HTTP requests to the right backend. A LoadBalancer is a type of Service which is only concerned with routing network traffic to Pods—it doesn’t know about HTTP. They work together to give a common and convenient configuration for deploying web apps.

  1. Actually, there is a fourth called ExternalName but, as far as I can tell, this is completely different and doesn’t build on the other three. It’s more like an internal CNAME record for an external service. ↩︎